Decentralized search engine & automatized press reviews

Version 1.8.10 : Filter results, ergonomy and source maintenance

This release was long awaited and announces the beginning of a new development campaign.

1. Source maintenance

During this semester an intern fixed and added some sources, thank you OVSlash. Then I extensively used the source maintenance page to bring the percentage of working sources up to 95%. Well, to be true, I only added this percentage to the statistic line of test_sources.html after I updated most of the sources…

2. Ergonomy

Then the major ergonomic improvements are :

  • A CSS animation and a dedicated scroll bar added to long descriptions, improving the browsing and reading experience

  • A keep open checkbox in the news feed frame to keep it open the next time you’ll open a tab

3. Filter results

But the most exciting new feature of this release is a trick that allows to improve the accuracy of some sources. Among the sources giving approximate results, some are showing (for each results) the matching part of the text as result description.

In this case can now filter those results to keep only what really matches your search terms.

Sources tagged as "approx" (for approximative) where 98 in the previous version of and this number dropped to 55 as I checked them to up-tag the accuracy of the eligible ones (as accurate for "one word" or "many words").

Some important french and international sources are now usable in press review context such as : The Times (,,,,, ActuaLitté, Folha de S.Paulo,,…

I’m happy to welcome those sources above the surface of accuracy in !